Why You Shouldn’t Settle for a Smile with Missing Teeth

Why You Shouldn’t Settle for a Smile with Missing Teeth

166127147Missing teeth can cause all sorts of problems, even if you are just missing one. Fortunately your Tucson dentist is prepared to replace your missing teeth and bring your smile back to life. Read on to find out why you shouldn’t settle for a smile with missing teeth.
Enhance Your Appearance
It is no secret that missing teeth will affect your appearance, especially if you are missing some of your more visible teeth. This can be distracting and it can gradually wear away at your confidence. Fortunately your dentist can offer various different types of treatments in order to restore your smile. Dental implants can be made to look just like your natural teeth, so no one will know that they are prosthetic. This treatment can help to maintain the shape of your face in addition to filling out your smile.
Improve Your Oral Health
A missing tooth may be distracting from an aesthetic standpoint, but it can also be hazardous to your oral health. Teeth rely on their neighbors to keep them in place; when one of your teeth is removed, a gap opens up. The teeth on either side of this gap may eventually gravitate into the gap, which can lead to crooked and misaligned teeth. A missing tooth will also affect your jawbone. The roots of your natural teeth anchor into your jawbone. When one is removed, that area starts to lose bone mass. A dental implant can reverse this process.
Enjoy a Range of Options
Your dentist can provide many different types of treatment options for your missing teeth. You may be best suited for dental implants, bridges, dentures, or another treatment. You and your dentist can discuss your personal situation and decide on the proper treatment for your needs.
If you would like to fill in your missing teeth and enjoy a full smile again, contact John Carson, DDS or visit our website. Our cosmetic dentistry office offers exceptional teeth whitening, implants, fillings, and dental crowns in Tucson. You can find out more about our services by calling us at (520) 514-7203 today.