What to Look For in Preventive Dental Treatments

What to Look For in Preventive Dental Treatments

Within the dental community, there has been a recent shift in attitude toward patient care. In the past, the focus of dental visits was treating existing conditions. Now more dentists are focused on preventing common dental problems through proactive office procedures and at-home care tips. Here are some of the qualities of effective preventive care to save you the pain and hassle of future dental issues:

  • Protection from tooth decay: The leading cause for restorative dental treatments is damage related to tooth decay. Therefore, the battle against tooth decay should be on the forefront of your preventive care plan. Patients of Dr. John Carson, D.D.S. are cared for with DIAGNOdent technology that can detect tooth decay at its earliest stages using laser light. The most accurate and effective recommendations can be made for patient care when problems are diagnosed at such a young stage.
  • Screening for oral cancer: Much like skin cancer, oral cancer will present physical symptoms that can be identified by a dentist or hygienist during a routine check-up. Ask your dentist about oral cancer screening and discuss any habits that may increase your risk including tobacco and alcohol use.
  • Diagnostics using digital radiography: Traditional film methods of x-ray and dental diagnostics cannot compare to the clarity and patient comfort provided by digital radiography. For both panoramic and standard dental x-rays, digital imaging offers superior images to help the dentist make an accurate diagnosis while reducing your exposure to radiation.
  • Treatments to address specific needs: Some dental conditions are the result of injury that can be prevented with protective devices. Mouthguards are custom made devices that can help athletes and other active individuals avoid sustaining injuries to the teeth, gums, and inner cheek.

Don’t let serious dental problems sneak up on you. For superior preventive dental care in Tucson, Arizona, schedule a consultation with Dr. John Carson, D.D.S. Contact our office by calling (520) 514-7203 or visiting our website.