Understanding the Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Understanding the Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

With all of the general and preventative dental services at your Tucson dentist, you can get the treatment that you need to avoid cavities, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. Regular dental checkups also offer a host of other benefits, including the following.
Deeper Cleanings
The foundation of your oral health rests on your cleaning routine. The way you brush and floss your teeth directly affects your risk for cavities and other oral health issues. Even if you practice a thorough oral hygiene routine, however, you might still miss some food and bacteria that falls between your teeth and gums. When you visit the dentist regularly, he or she can use tools designed specifically to deeply clean the teeth and the gums.
In-Depth Examinations
While the dentist is cleaning your teeth, he or she can also take the time to examine them. This allows the oral health professional to see if there are any issues while it is still early enough to treat them. With an in-depth examination like this, the dentist can spot the beginning signs of cavities, decay, and even gum disease. This early diagnosis allows you to get the proper treatment that prevents these issues from getting worse.
Access to Important Oral Health Information
The best way to care for your mouth is to understand how to care for it. The dentist can show you the right way to brush and floss your teeth to get rid of plaque and other bacteria before they lead to larger problems. These check-ups provide the ideal opportunity to quiz the dentist about your oral hygiene routine to see if there are ways you can improve it.
John Carson, DDS is always here to offer general and preventative dental services that offer you the deep cleanings and exams that you need to optimize the health of your teeth and gums. Whether you need a regular checkup or gum disease treatment, Dr. Carson can help. For more information on our dental service options or to schedule your next checkup, visit us online or call (520) 514-7203.