Helpful Information for Root Canal Patients

Helpful Information for Root Canal Patients

The root canal is a dental procedure that can save natural teeth and relieve a great deal of pain caused by infection of the tooth pulp. While in the past dental drills and techniques were less sophisticated and more painful for the patient, today a root canal is relatively painless and quick. To help you better understand what to expect during a root canal, review the steps to the procedure below:

1.      The tooth canals are measured: The dentist needs to know how deep your root canals are so that all the diseased or damaged pulp can be removed. Digital x-rays will allow the dentist to acquire these measurements quickly and assess the extent of the damage to your tooth.

2.      The canals are cleaned: Depending on the tooth, there may be between one and four canals that need to be cleaned out. This will be done with specialized tools that remove diseased pulp while your mouth is numbed so you don’t feel any pain. If you are not comfortable using only local sedation, your dentist can prescribe medication for twilight anesthesia.

3.      The tooth is filled and capped: After the diseased pulp is removed, your teeth will need to be filled so that no more damage occurs to the internal structure of the tooth. A crown will probably be placed over the tooth as well to reinforce the strength of the restoration procedure. Any pain associated with the infection of the tooth will subside because the affected nerves of the tooth are removed with the pulp. The tooth will no longer be capable of sensing hot or cold, but its function is otherwise unaffected.

If you are in pain because of a toothache or trauma to a tooth, contact the Tucson dental office of Dr. John Carson, DDS at (520) 514-7203. We can help you decide if the root canal is the right procedure for you and offer beautiful restorations to retain the aesthetics of your smile.