Are Your Gums Bleeding? Find Out Why!

Are Your Gums Bleeding? Find Out Why!

Bleeding gums may have very different implications depending on the circumstance. If it appears that your gums are bleeding due to gum disease or improper brushing technique, it is wise to meet with your dentist in Tucson and learn how to improve your methods. If the culprit is an old toothbrush, you can simply find one that better suits your needs. Keep reading to find out why your gums might be bleeding.
Gum Disease
Although bleeding gums may be a symptom of a range of different problems, it is one of the more common symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease occurs when you allow plaque and tartar to build up on your teeth, eventually pushing gums back and making your teeth appear longer. Do not stop brushing your teeth if you notice that your gums bleed; brushing your teeth can help to slow the progression of this disease. See your dentist if you think you might have gum disease.
We are proud to feature a series of videos on our new VIDEO ARCHIVE page. Scroll to the bottom to see the section of videos devoted to periodontal disease!
Improper Brushing
Brushing your teeth twice every day is important, but it is equally important that you use the right techniques when you do so. Aggressive brushing can harm your teeth and gums, so brush gently in order to avoid bleeding. You should also hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth and brush in small circles.
Old Toothbrush
Your dental hygiene can only be as meticulous as your tools. An old, frayed toothbrush is not the best choice for daily tooth brushing. It may be better than nothing, but ideally you should have a fresh soft-bristled toothbrush. It is typically a good idea to replace your toothbrush every three months or whenever you notice that the bristles are beginning to fray.
Are you still unsure of why your gums might be bleeding? Contact John Carson, DDS or visit his website. Dr. Carson offers a multitude of treatments including teeth whitening and root canals in Tucson. If you live in the area, please do not hesitate to stop by the offices or call us at (520) 514-7203 today.