What to Do About a Gummy Smile

What to Do About a Gummy Smile

200266102-001A beautiful smile can be infectious, but those who are unhappy with their smiles may be worried about showing theirs off. It helps to understand what makes your smile gummy and talk to your Tucson dentist about gum contouring. Continue reading to find out what to do about a gummy smile.
Understand the causes.
One way you can deal with a gummy smile is by learning about the factors that led to this aesthetic issue in the first place. When you figure out why your smile doesn’t appear the way you want it to, you can start to formulate an idea as to how to treat it. A gummy smile will typically occur when a person’s gums, lips, and teeth are out of balance. You might find that your teeth are undersized or that the joint between your lip and gums shows too much of your gums when you smile. The treatment your dentist will recommend can depend on the cause of the issue.
Look into gum contouring.
Dr. John Carson and his team are proud to offer gum contouring services. This type of procedure is designed to adjust your gum tissue in order to improve the proportion of your gums to your lips and teeth. Gum contouring only takes a few visits and can substantially impact your appearance.
Talk to your dentist.
Gum contouring may be an ideal treatment for some, but it’s not necessarily right for everyone. Others might benefit from dental crowns or veneers that improve the surface area of the tooth. Next time you meet with your dentist, find out what might be the best procedure for your circumstances.
Do you have a gummy smile that you would like to do something about? Give the offices of John Carson, DDS a call at (520) 514-7203. Dr. Carson can use different Tucson cosmetic dentistry treatments to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Please do not hesitate to stop by or visit our website to learn more about our dental crowns and teeth whitening treatments.