Top Reasons to Schedule Routine Dental Visits

Top Reasons to Schedule Routine Dental Visits

452352467Biannual dental visits play an essential part in the overall health and appearance of your smile. These regular dental visits provide your dentist with the opportunity to examine the health of your teeth and gums, as well as review your daily oral care routine. During dental visits, you will receive both a physical exam and a professional teeth cleaning to maintain a high level of oral health.
Catch Problems Early
Because many dental conditions don’t cause pain in their earliest stages, you may not notice the signs that decay or other problems have begun to take hold. However, dental disease of all kinds is easiest to treat before it has progressed and caused significant or lasting damage to your teeth and gums. During regular dental exams, your dentist will use X-rays and a visual examination to look for signs of common dental problems; if he identifies an area that needs treatment, he can address the issue immediately to prevent permanent damage to your smile.
Prevent Gum Disease
Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in American adults, and as many as 50% of individuals suffer from this condition. While brushing and flossing at home will give you a great head start on preventing gum disease, regular dental visits are also an important part of gum disease prevention and treatment. When plaque is not fully removed from the teeth, it can harden into tartar, which irritates the gums and causes an infection known as gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease. If left untreated, gingivitis will progress and cause permanent damage to the gums and teeth. Once tartar appears, only the professional cleaning tools used by your dentist can remove it.
Is it time to schedule your next dental exam in Tucson, AZ? Please call John Carson, DDS at (520) 514-7203 to make an appointment for personalized dental care, including exams, cleanings, preventive treatments, and more. We also invite you to find out more about our modern dental office and the services we offer by clicking through our informative website.